clinical anaesthesia guidance


This website is for the purpose of medical education; information is general and is not intended as, and should not be construed as, medical advice.

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This Terms of Use Agree­ment (“agree­ment”) is entered between and by “you” (the reader or any other user of this weblog, also known as WAAnaesthesia, the “Site”), Dr Ryan Juniper (the “Principal author”) and the WAAnaesthesia blogging team (the ‘team’).

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The information on this website is presented for the purpose of provoking thought and discussion around the management of critical care patients for the benefit of critical care physicians, specifically anaesthesia trainees and specialists. The Author does not pro­vide any med­ical advice on the Site.

The information provided on this Site is provided for discussion and education purposes only and does not confer a patient-physician or physician-physician relationship.

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